The medical education study program of the medical faculty of Universitas Islam Al-Azhar (Unizar) was established in 2004 based on the Operational Permit of Higher Education General Directorate No. 2100/D/T/2004, dated 17 June 2004. It was extended by the Operational Permit of Higher Education General Directorate No. 3239/D/T/2006 from September 1, 2006, until 2010 and No. 1913/D/T/K-VIII/2010, valid until September 1, 2014.

The study program was accredited for the first time with grade C based on BAN-PT No. 029/BAN-PT/Ak-XI/S1/XI/2008, November 13, 2008 and had been extended until August 3, 2013. In 2018, the medical education study program, as well as the medical doctor profession study program, were accredited B by LAM-PTKes (Decision Letter No. 0313/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/V/2018 and No. 0314/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/V/2018). The current accreditations for both study programs are “VERY GOOD” based on LAM-PTKes Decision Letter No. 0270/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/IV/2023 and No. 0271/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/IV/2023.

Throughout these years, the medical faculty of Unizar has been carrying out innovation in medical education by applying student-centered learning with the implementation of problem-based learning (PBL) strategy. Since the 2007/2008 academic year, the faculty has been adopting the competency-based curriculum in accordance with the medical doctor profession education standard regulated by the Indonesian Medical Council.

Medical Faculty of Universitas Islam Al-Azhar © 2024

The medical education study program of the medical faculty of Universitas Islam Al-Azhar (Unizar) was started in 2004 based on the Operational Permit of Dirjen Dikti No. 2100/D/T/2004, dated 17 June 2004

Then it was extended by Dirjen Dikti No 3239/D/T/2006, September 1 2006 until 2010. SK Permit Implementation No. 1913/D/T/K-VIII/2010 dated 24 May 2010 valid until 1 September 2014

Jl. Unizar No.20, Turida, Kec. Sandubaya
Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, 83232